Village Information

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To add or amend a listing, please email the details to

H2H (Here To Help)

Phone: 01797 224044


H2H (Here to Help) is a group of volunteers set up under the auspices of the hospital to provide clients in the Rye area with help and support on a short-term basis. Contact Paddy Coulson.

Hatch Drama

Phone: 07415 492621

Email: n/a

In Playden W.I. Hall. Saturdays, 9.30-10.30 (4-7 years); 10.30-11.30 (7-11 years). Term-time only.

Neighbourhood Watch



Being a member of Neighbourhood Watch has many benefits including:

Helping to reduce crime and the fear of crime, free advice on home security, free survey and installation of smoke alarms, access to the members only section of the website: It ensures closer liaison with your local policing team either directly or anonymously through your co-ordinator and free membership of the Privilege Card scheme, which entitles you to exclusive discounts and offers with many local businesses.

Rother Neighbourhood Watch Chairman is Ted Kemp:, 01424 845207

Contact Ros Ham, the local co-ordinator on the details above if you would like to become a member.

Playden Floral Group

Phone: 01797 222583

Email: n/a

The floral group meets on the first Monday of the month at 2.15 in Playden W.I. Hall. All welcome. Contact Joan Taylor.

Playden Tiny Tots

Phone: 01797 280537


Warm, welcoming Parent/Carer & Baby/Toddler Group. Mondays 10 - 12 noon, term time only at Playden W.I. Hall.

Playden W.I.

Phone: 01797 223032 (Secretary) or 01797 222583 (President)

Email: n/a

Meets the second Monday of every month at 2.30pm in Playden W.I. Hall. New members always welcome. Contact either Mrs Amy Breeds (Secretary) or Mrs Joan Taylor (President).

Rye & District Camera Club in Playden

Phone: 01424 813722

Email: n/a

Whether you are an accomplished photographer or a beginner, if you have an interest in photography we welcome you to our small friendly club.Our meetings are held in the Playden W.I. Hall. Contact John Trowell.

St Michaels Church

Phone: 01797 229219


Sunday Morning Services with Communion are held as follows:

IDEN - 9.30am.  The Family service is held on the 1st Sunday of each month at the same time, followed by refreshments.

PLAYDEN - 11am.  The Family Services is also held on the 1st Sunday of each month at the same time followed by refreshments. Morning and Evening Prayers are said at Playden on Tuesdays at 9.30am and 3.30pm and at Iden on Wednesdays at the same time.

Notices on the Church noticeboard show details of services. Contact Rev. Teresa Munro.

St Michael's Church of England Primary School, Playden

Phone: 01797 280277


W.I. Hall and Bookings

Phone: 01797 222583

Email: n/a

Contact Joan Taylor

Yoga at Playden W.I. Hall

Phone: 01797 227842


Yoga Group on Tuesday evenings 7 - 8.30 and Wednesday mornings, 10 - 11.30 (a more gentle class). Everyone welcome, men and women, mixed abilities.  These are all friendly, small, uncompetitive groups where everyone is encouraged to practice within their own comfortable limitations. Telephone Margot on 01797 227842 for details.

Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
East Sussex County Council 01273 481000
NHS when it's less urgent than 999 111
PCSO Daniel Bevan (more info) 07796 195639 / 101 (Ext. 566225)
Neighbourhood Watch
Police, Fire, Ambulance, Coastguard 999
Police non-emergency number 101
Rye Police Station 101 or 999 when urgent
Rye Medical Centre 01797 223333
Rye Memorial Hospital 01797 224499
RSPCA Cruelty Line 0300 1234 999
Rother District Citizens Advice Bureau 01424 215055 or 01424 734549
Online advice service
Rother District Council 01424 787000
Rubbish and Recycling
Tourist Information
The Heritage Centre
Rye Town website
Hastings & 1066 Country

01797 226696